Star Wars D-Wing concept
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Son of Overmorrow
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It works. We are still not sure how the bloody hell it does, but it works. Cool! #Scifi #Science https://t.co/xPfNfNxg98 Source: https://t.co/xPfNfNxg98 Follow me on Facebook
Take UK out of EU in Brexit? Maybe we should go to Mars instead? Plan to colonize Mars is more detailed and better costings & planning than Brexit: http://read.bi/2feT9CS Source: http://read.bi/2feT9CS During a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session, Elon Musk Read More …
I don’t need to ‘know Kung Fu’ like Neo, I already have a black belt in my wardrobe #scifi #Science https://t.co/hb3plqeB6B Source: Follow me on Facebook
Germany fires up its Wendelstein 7-X Stellerator Fusion Reactor. £1b & 19 years to build #science #scifi Source: https://t.co/z5dAwLC1lJ Follow me on Facebook
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation revives frozen man Space hibernation techniques? #scifi #Science Source: https://t.co/6G418lCJon Follow me on Facebook
It wasn’t me, someone hacked my implant your Honour #scifi #Science Source: https://t.co/DJ9FZp17UF Follow me on Facebook
What will power tomorrow’s spacecraft? #scifi #science https://t.co/rtFCYVP5gV Source: Follow me on Facebook
The dangers of Virtual Reality #vr #scifi https://t.co/ocx2g5tOvz Source: Follow me on Facebook
Impossible Space Engine may actually work NASA tests suggests #tech #scifi #science http://bit.ly/1SFrN2q Source: http://bit.ly/1SFrN2q Researchers have found that a “quantum vacuum plasma thruster” system, which requires no propellant, does indeed generate a small amount of thrust. If the technology Read More …